Monday, August 24, 2009

The Blues

These last few weeks have been tough, but good. I have been without the love of my life coming up on 18 days, have started back to school, and have been having to face the 5:00 AM alarm. The flip side is: I am thankful for my job and have been enjoying my students and their foibles, and have been able to see a movie wit friends and work nearly uninterrupted on school work. Sometimes it is nothing but bittersweet.
I think "the blues" music is telling it like it is....up and down.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Get on your mark, get set, GO!

Yes, the summer is racing by and I happen to be one of those people that make plans to get this and that done. I have been sidetracked a bit by the weather,human strength, and serendipity. That is the one that I like being sidetracked by the best. I had no clue that Facebook would be so much fun. I have reconnected with some people from the past and have worked to maintain some of my faraway friends and family in the loop of our lives. Our 4th of July was a fun time. Music was everywhere! We had music in Elkhart and at a friend of my daughter-in-law's. I have to admit that Clay is right. The sound wagon does add to the fun of a party. We had bluegrass, rock and roll and some old time gospel to boot. It might have rained but I do not think that our plans were altered to a marked degree. After all the bottom line was FUN.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Disappointments......The Window Will Be Opened

I am asking for patience at the moment. My husband was going to be working here, but as it turned out he didn't fit. :( My initial response was shock and disbelief, but to be honest I had that woman's intuition and had even told him to pull his application. I did not think it would work, but I had been lulled into thinking that it would. It was so comforting to have him here with me and to count on his desiring a Chinese meal and mornings filled with coffee drinking and hugs and kisses other than on weekends. Well,it has ended and I am back to weekend wife. I am hoping that he will find the work that he needs and that he will be able to keep his strength and stamina. Life is hard for all of us, but our job is to make the lemonade and be sure to open the window to let the NEW [whatever it is) in! I shall be patient.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Graduation Joys

Yesterday was the high school's graduation. It was perfect weather, the gym was filled, the service went off like clockwork, and there are now a happy bunch of new KHS alumni! I loved going and seeing my students. It makes me proud to have been a part of their progress. I know the parents are relieved as well and tears of joy were definitely allowed. Celebrations abound and plans for the future are flourishing. This is a transitioning time for all. The Seniors are saying their farewells to their friends and families as they depart for school, military, or to try their fortunes elsewhere. It can be a lonely feeling. I can remember that summer myself. I was taking a class in Composition and felt like I was floundering. It was my first exposure to college and I was out of contact with my high school friends. But like all of life's experience, there was something more along the way. I am thankful that I had my family and other adults to guide me.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Brady's Catch

This is the bream that my son caught at Guntersville Lake this past week. It weighed in at 7 lb. 4 oz. and 25 1/2 inches long. He was just under a half pound larger when he was born! There are very few things in the world to top that feeling of a BIG CATCH!

Mother's Day 2009

The Monday following Mother's Day: I was a little slow to go today. I had such a great Mother's Day with my family. We had dinner and sat OUTSIDE with intermittent sun, but oh so gloriously green and fresh. My oldest son did some tilling for me and I am all set to hoe and plant sunflowers, pole beans, and basil along with my single tomato plant. We all looked at old photos of the boys and their parents. What was that style of clothing that we wore??? Men wore fitted shorts. There was no sagging unless it had to do with full diapers! I am going to try my hand this coming weekend at archiving the pictures so that we all will have copies of them.

It is a blessing to have my mother so close and healthy. She added her quips about my father. Things that we love to hear repeated. It is lovely to have a daughter-in-law to include in our gatherings and have giggling with us.

I love being a mother more than ever! I hope that my clever, intelligent, and attractive sons think of their mother as one of their most cherished friends, because they are mine!

Oh, yes, I appreciate the flower gifting that goes on during this holiday. Flowers are just such exquisite examples of hope.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My First Blog....I bet that sounds original


My name is Robin. This is all new to me. I am one of those learn as you go kind of people, so I will be making a ton of mistakes. My cat is the first one to write a blog and so I thought that I would just follow in his pawprints. His name is Mario and he seems to have a high level of intelligence. He has me trained!!